Dundee and Angus College Regional Outcome Agreement

Dundee and Angus College Regional Outcome Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

The Dundee and Angus College Regional Outcome Agreement is a collective effort of stakeholders from the college, the Scottish government, and key organizations to ensure the quality and relevance of education for students in the region. The agreement is designed to support the college`s role in meeting the economic, social, and cultural needs of the Dundee and Angus area.

This agreement comes with a focus on six key outcome areas: Economic Development, Social Inclusion, Lifelong Learning, Meeting Local Skill Needs, Supporting Our Communities, and Improving Student Outcomes. Each of these areas has its specific targets, which are expected to be achieved through the college’s activities.

Economic Development

The first outcome area within the agreement is Economic Development. The college aims to provide education and training programs that create graduates who are ready and able to work in the regional economy. This will be accomplished through the development of partnerships with industry and local authorities. The college will also work to increase the number of graduates who choose to stay in the area and work in their chosen field after their studies.

Social Inclusion

Social Inclusion is another area of focus that aims to reduce barriers to education for students from disadvantaged backgrounds. The college’s activities within this outcome area include providing access to high-quality education for vulnerable and marginalized groups, increasing participation from these groups, and promoting equity and fairness in education.

Lifelong Learning

The agreement also highlights the importance of Lifelong Learning. The college aims to provide education and training that is accessible and relevant to learners of all ages throughout their lives. The college will work with employers, community groups, and other stakeholders to identify the changing needs of the workforce and adapt accordingly.

Meeting Local Skill Needs

Meeting Local Skill Needs is a critical outcome area within the agreement as it aims to ensure that the skills taught at the college meet the needs of the local economy. The college will work closely with employers and other stakeholders to identify the skills that are most in demand and to ensure that its courses and programs reflect these needs.

Supporting Our Communities

The college recognizes the importance of Supporting Our Communities, and this is reflected within the agreement. The college will work to build strong relationships with local organizations and develop initiatives that have a positive impact on the wider community. This includes volunteering, outreach programs, and community engagement activities.

Improving Student Outcomes

The final outcome area within the agreement is Improving Student Outcomes. The college aims to improve student outcomes by providing high-quality education and support services. The college will focus on improving student retention, progression, and success rates.


The Dundee and Angus College Regional Outcome Agreement is a comprehensive plan that outlines the college`s commitment to meeting the economic, social, and cultural needs of the region. The agreement represents a collective effort of stakeholders to create a college that meets the evolving needs of the workforce and the community it serves. Through its focus on six strategic outcome areas, the college is well-positioned to support the region`s economic and social development and provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

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